15 Years of Solid Commitment to the HR Community • Central Luzon, Philippines

15 Years of Solid Commitment to the HR Community • Central Luzon, Philippines

Vaccination Framework

COVID-19 Vaccination Prioritization Framework

The prioritization framework for COVID-19 vaccination based on the World Health Organization (WHO) Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization, together with the recommendations of independent bodies of experts including the Interim National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (iNITAG) and the Technical Advisory Group (TAG), was formulated due to the limited global supply of COVID-19 vaccine products. With the guidance of this principle, the Philippine National Deployment and Vaccination Plan formulated strategies and contingencies to ensure the equitable distribution of vaccine products for all Filipinos.

Why do we need to have prioritization?

  • To reduce mortality
  • To preserve the health system capacity of the country
Priority Eligible APriority Eligible BPriority Eligible C
A1. Workers in Frontline Health ServicesB1. Teachers, Social Workers
C. Rest of the Filipino population not otherwise included in the above groups
A2. All Senior CitizensB2. Other Government Workers
A3. Persons with ComorbiditiesB3. Other Essential Workers
A4. Frontline personnel in essential sectors, including uniformed personnelB4. Socio-demographic groups at significantly higher risk other than senior citizens and poor population based on the NHTS-PR
A5. Indigent PopulationB5. Overseas FIlipino Workers
B6. Other Remaining Workforce
Source: Department of Health